Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Guys, take note... (II)

Guys Take Note (II)

Guys Take Note (II) by ubetterwork featuring Burberry


Hello! Only 2 weeks left before Christmas is here. It seems like this year has flown by, don't you think? Have you completed your Christmas shopping or are you a last minute shopper like myself? If all else fails you can always buy a gift card.

If you remember my post from last year which was a guide for those guys out there that wanted to actually purchase something for the special woman/women in their lives (see here Guys, take note); Here's another guide just for you. You are welcome! ^_^ And ladies, remember what you have to do to get a gift from this list. 



  1. This an amazing selection, what a great coat and bag, want both of them! You have a very nice blog. I AM you new follower on instagram and twitter. Hope you can stop by my blog and follow me ;o)
    Olga from

  2. That peep toe booties are so wow!
